Stephen Wolfram Q&A
Submit a questionSome collected questions and answers by Stephen Wolfram
Questions may be edited for brevity; see links for full questions.
(27)January 1, 1993
From: Interview by Michael Swaine, Dr. Dobb's Journal
With Mathematica, did you set out to create an application program or a programming language? You sell it as an application.
March 1, 1993
From: Interview by Paul Wellin, Mathematica in Education
What is the breakdown of educational vs. research users of Mathematica?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Chicago Software Newspaper
You’ve spent a lot of time in business and working in pure science areas. Do you prefer one environment to the other or have any observations on the two worlds?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Chicago Software Newspaper
Was the MacArthur Fellowship grant what enabled you to start Wolfram Research?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Chicago Software Newspaper
Do you have any outside investors?
September 30, 1996
From: Interview by Robers Lee Hotz, Los Angeles Times
What is more important to you—the technical elegance of the Mathematica program or the financial rewards it brings?
September 30, 1996
From: Interview by Robers Lee Hotz, Los Angeles Times
From your experience, can the academic culture support high-tech entrepreneurs?
September 30, 1996
From: Interview by Robers Lee Hotz, Los Angeles Times
Over the years, you always have been unusually careful to spell out your rights to any intellectual property. How important are patents and copyrights?
September 30, 1996
From: Interview by Robers Lee Hotz, Los Angeles Times
What would you consider your most serious mistake running Wolfram Research?
October 30, 1996
From: Interview by Nick Turner, Investor's Business Daily
What’s the market for technical computing?
January 5, 2010
From: Interview by Gregory T. Huang, Xconomy
What are your tips for managing a company remotely?
May 14, 2012
From: Reddit AMA
How much of a hassle was creating Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica?
May 14, 2012
From: Reddit AMA
What effect do you think monetization of intelligence has had on scientific pursuit? Do you think your decision to delve into private enterprise has lessened your potential contribution to scientific fields?
February 23, 2016
From: Reddit AMA
What’s the biggest technological advancement that has helped your company?
July 20, 2016
From: Reddit AMA
Did you have some doubt about leaving academia and going to businesses to pursue your entrepreneur ideas?
October 3, 2019
From: Interview by Matt Mullenweg,
Would you consider management or running a company computationally reducible?
December 6, 2019
From: Interview by Jeff D’Alessio, The News-Gazette
When it comes to the workplace, what is your one unbreakable rule?
December 6, 2019
From: Interview by Jeff D’Alessio, The News-Gazette
What is your philosophy on meetings?
December 6, 2019
From: Interview by Jeff D’Alessio, The News-Gazette (unpublished)
What is the hardest thing about being a leader?
March 16, 2020
From: Reddit AMA
What would be the disadvantages from working from home that you have found?
March 16, 2020
From: Reddit AMA
What is the minimum setup to remote work, and what is an ultimate setup for remote developers?
March 16, 2020
From: Reddit AMA
Our company just started remote work today. We have our daily stand-up in the morning as well as a casual catch-up in the evening just before we finish. Is this a good way to go about it?
March 16, 2020
From: Reddit AMA
What can you say to reassure managers and CEOs who are concerned that if they can’t see people working, they might not be working?
March 16, 2020
From: Reddit AMA
How do you motivate staff that you know are dealing with their own anxieties and personal issues?
March 16, 2020
From: Reddit AMA
What would you say to a manager who wants employees engaged in remote work to be on a webcam meeting all day so they can be monitored?
March 31, 2020
From: Jai Preston
Running a single, simple company is one thing. Certainly you’re quite an obsessive person. Do you find it hard to switch between focuses and/or problems? Can you work on two such great problems in the same day without something less cognitively demanding (such as sleep) to break them up?
March 31, 2020
From: Jai Preston