Stephen Wolfram Q&A
Submit a questionSome collected questions and answers by Stephen Wolfram
Questions may be edited for brevity; see links for full questions.
April 9, 2005
From: Interview by Andres Hax, ClarÃn
Of the various areas of scientific inquiry, which do you think will be first to radically change due to your new kind of science, and how will it change?
Two things are already happening. First, there’s a new kind of basic science emerging—“pure NKS”. It’s like a physics, or a chemistry, or a mathematics, but concerned with systems in the computational world. Second, ideas and results from pure NKS are getting applied to lots of other places. Some of them aren’t science at all. Areas like art, music and architecture. Within traditional science, biology looks very promising: trying to understand the operation of cells using NKS ideas—perhaps a bit like understanding ideas of digital information led to the discovery of the mechanism of DNA 50 years ago. There seem to be particularly strong possibilities in areas of science where there’s obvious complexity, but it’s been hard to reproduce. Areas like linguistics, economics, social science and cognitive science. There are very clear and important opportunities in computer science and mathematics too—though my guess is that the applications there will be built on a lot of work in “pure NKS”. In fundamental physics, there’s a possibility of a tremendous breakthrough, but it’s hard to predict when that will happen.